Monday 28 November 2016

What you need to know about Plastic Rice to Protect Yourself.

China, a nation famous for having it all and making all, both fake and original, has now taken a step further with mass production and distribution of plastic rice. The fake rice phenomenon which is also known as plastic rice has been there since 2011, social media rumours have asserted plastic rice was being manufactured in China, exported and consumed by people in other countries unaware that the rice they were eating was in fact not food at all but plastic. Plastic rice is made by mixing sweet potatoes and plastics into regular rice grains shape, then adding industrial synthetic resins. These fake rice grains look exactly like rice but remain hard after cooking.
In each bag of rice, a small amount of real rice is mixed with the plastic rice and sprayed with a fragrance to make it smell the same as normal rice. Eating three bowls of this rice was found to be equal to consuming an entire plastic bag which is very dangerous for human health and terrible for the digestive system.
As we all know, Christmas and New Year is a season in which rice consumption is considered to be at its peak and children cry for a plate of rice. With the Nigerian economic recession, some parents may find it difficult to purchase rice for their children to consume for Christmas celebration, and so may depend on the cheapest rice in the market and may also depend on getting bags or measures of rice from their employers, friends and well wishes.
Whether you purchased your rice from the market yourself or it was given to you by your employers, friends or well wishes, here are six easy steps to determine if your rice is fake or original; these tests are very simple and do not require you to spend any money. The materials you need to carry out this test are right in your kitchen. So, from today henceforth, never eat rice without carrying out the following test;
The mortar and Pestles Test: Pour a few grains of rice into a mortar, pound it with a pestle, if the powder gives a white colour, you are good to go, but if it has a yellow discolouration, your rice is fake.
The Fire Test: I guess you know how plastic smells when it gets in contact with fire. So, get a lighter or a stick of matches, burn a handful of rice. If it catches fire and smells like burnt plastic, you have fake rice.
The Water Test: Normal rice, as we all know, is supposed to sink when poured in a pot or bowl. To test the originality of your rice, get a bowl or glass of cold water. Pour a tablespoon of raw rice in the glass and stir. If the rice goes to the bottom, it is all good. If it floats at the top, be careful because it means it contains plastic rice. Do not eat.
The Fungus Test: Pour a Handful of rice in a warm place and leave it for like two to three days. If mold or fungus does not appear for like two to three days, your rice is fake and should not be consumed. It will not get mold because plastic is not affected by weather or temperature.
The Boiling Test:  Anytime you boil your rice, observe the rice while it is boiling. If it starts forming a thick layer at the top of the pot, it is plastic rice.
The Hot Oil Test: Take some of the rice and drop into a very hot oil. If it is plastic, it will melt or stick together or stick to the bottom of the pan or pot. If any of these occur then your rice is fake and should not be consumed.
Make sure you test your rice before consuming them.

BY: Mercy Kukah

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