Friday 25 November 2016

Habits You Should Avoid for a Good Night Sleep

It is very frustrating to go to bed at night without being able to sleep. This can be caused by stress, worries and discomfort. Sometimes,  the food we eat and what we drink can make us have a sleepless night. In addition, our activities, that is, what we do before going to bed can subtract precious hours of rest and can cause drowsiness and irritability the following day. Inadequate sleep patterns overtime can lead to a variety of chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, stroke and depression.
Getting a good night sleep is a difficult task for many adults. Some people have a hard time falling asleep, some have a hard time staying asleep and some people have a hard time finding the time to sleep. No matter the category you fall into, getting a good quality sleep each night is critical in maintaining your overall health. Anytime you have a good night sleep, it will not only provide you with more energy the next day, but it will keep your immune system strong, your skin radiant and your blood pressure will be normal; these are all key components to great health.
If you are looking for ways to get a good night sleep, you  will want to start with the following: these will help you sleep like a baby and wake up like a giant, feeling refreshed, and ready to start your day.

Drinking Coffee: Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Most coffee drinks have caffeine and caffeine is a legal drug and stimulant that can affect our energy level, heart rate, and feelings of wakefulness. That means it can also temporarily stop us from producing sleep-inducing chemicals, making it very difficult for the brain to shut down at the end of a long day. That is why so many people love coffee in the morning because it helps them feel energized and ready to confront the day’s activities. But it’s also why it is very important to avoid drinking coffee closed to bed time.
Checking your Smartphone, Tablets, and Computer: Many people struggle to put their smart phones, tablets and other electronic devices away for the night; and with friends, family and co-workers constantly sending you emails, text messages and social media posts, it is easy to see why sleep can be difficult. But it is important to keep these devices away at least one to two hours before bed time. Studies have shown that the bright light emitted by these devices is very similar to sunlight, in effect, this convinces our brain that it is still day time, thereby preventing the production of melatonin and keeping our minds going. That makes it very difficult for us to get sleep.
Starting an Electronic Conversation: The key to getting enough sleep is allowing your mind to rest, but it may not rest properly if you begin a conversation with a friend just before heading to bed for the night. Initiating a conversation gets your mind revved up, even if the other person involved in the conversation did not reply. In fact, not receiving a reply can be even more disturbing to sleep because one may be left wondering what distracted the other person. That is why it is important to stop all electronic conversations well before heading to bed.
Eating Spicy or Junk Foods: Chances are strong that you have felt a burning or uncomfortable feeling in your gut after eating spicy or fatty foods. While this can make things uncomfortable after lunch or dinner, it can also prevent you from getting to sleep later in the evening. Eating spicy foods can raise body temperature, making it more difficult for our bodies to rest. They may cause our brains to react in a similar way to night mares, resulting in fitful, uncomfortable sleep. Experts recommend that you avoid eating anything fatty foods, let alone spicy food, in the two to three hours prior to bed time.
Exercise: Sleep is part of a complex process. It can’t be initiated like flipping a switch. Your body needs to gradually enter rest mode, which is why it is a bad idea to stimulate the body with exercise right before bed time. It is important to avoid vigorous physical activity right before attempting to go to sleep. People end their workout at least a few hours before tucking in for the night. That will allow your body temperature to cool down and your heart rate to relax, making it easier to fall asleep.

 BY: Mercy Kukah

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