Wednesday 2 November 2016

How to achieve that flawless skin

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see soft, supple, radiant, glowing, blemish-free skin? Or do you see age spots and new wrinkles? The skin is the first "aging" sign we tend to see in ourselves. We all want to find ways to keep our skin beautiful, soft and wrinkle free.

Everyone wants smooth, radiant skin. But the question is, are you working towards it? Did you know that what you eat matters? What you eat can bring you closer to that goal. While there is no magic food that whisks the wrinkles away, the basics are simple. And chances are, you know them by heart. Go for items that are naturally jammed with nutrients, like fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, fish, and other types of lean protein. Change things up. Think beyond the plate: Sleep, exercise, and sunscreen still count, no matter what you eat.

Ready to get specific about what to put on your grocery list? These seven foods are a great place to start.

1. Oats

Oats are complex carbohydrates. You should like oats because they are low glycemic. They don’t spike the blood sugar to rise. High-glycemic foods are known to cause acne and wrinkles; and I bet you don’t want that if you want to have that flawless, glowing and smooth skin. Oats also have a natural plant chemical that helps prevent damage to skin cells and soothes skin irritation.

2. Oranges

These are loaded with water, so they hydrate your skin and your cells. One large orange is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps make collagen and that, in turn, helps keep your skin supple. In general, vegetables and fruits are great for your skin. Go for lots of colours so you get a variety of nutrients. Using the orange peel on your face or spot on the body can also clear off any stubborn spot that doesn’t want to go off.

3. Avocados

These are filled with a healthy type of fat, monounsaturated fat, which helps your skin stay hydrated. That same healthy fat can also help you absorb some vitamins and nutrients that your skin needs. Try replacing high-fat salad dressings and mayonnaise with avocado. "It gives you a lot of flavor and texture, and you don't need much to feel satisfied. Replacing your oil with olive oil and walnut oil will also give you that great skin.

4. Lean Protein:

Your skin is made up of amino acids, and getting your daily intake is essential for a youthful and glowing skin. Eating chicken, fish and egg which are high rich in protein is good for the skin, try and always invest in them.

5. Brussels Sprouts

These are a great source of the skin-friendly Vitamins A and C, as well as folate. Their vitamin C promotes collagen. And while you still need to use sun protection, vitamin A and folate may help prevent sun damage. Kale, broccoli and cauliflower also contain Vitamins A and C.

6. Salmon

This fish is one of the best ways to get healthy omega-3 fats in your diet. Some studies have suggested that omega-3s, especially from fish, may keep skin cancer cells from growing and spreading. Aim for at least two 3-ounce servings of fish each week. Enjoy it grilled with a whole-grain side dish like brown rice or barley salad.

7. Grapes

Resveratrol, which comes from the skin of grapes, counters inflammation. Eating grape also fights the effect of UV rays. But is it also important that you use sunscreen so that the sun will not damage your skin.

8. Kale

This popular leafy green is a major source of vitamin K (one cup cooked contains almost 12 times your recommended daily value), which may help ward off heart disease and osteoporosis. In addition to vitamin K, this variety contains high levels of fibre, which can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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