Wednesday 13 December 2017

Food you shouldn’t eat for breakfast

Starting the day with a breakfast is a proven recipe for having a good day. Breakfast is the first meal that provides the body with vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients required to feel vibrant. It is also advisable that one should eat breakfast two hours after waking up from sleep. For some people, eating some certain types of food to them is a sure way of living healthy. They will go out of their way to make sure they get what they are craving for just so they will eat it when they wake up in the morning. 

However, there are some foods you should totally stay clear of if you really want to start off your day the right way and also be healthy.

Flavoured yoghurt
Flavoured yoghurt contains sugar and sweeteners. In fact, these yoghurts can have more sugar than your regular soft drink. Taking flavoured yoghurt can shoot up your cravings for sweet foods much later in the day. It can also make you add some weight thereby posing a danger to your health.

Bananas may seem like a great choice for breakfast because it is starchy, and will probably give you plenty of energy to last you for a significant part of the day. Bananas no doubt also have a lot of health benefits, some people also eat banana peel when it’s ripe and fresh. But just as it has a lot of benefits there are also the side effects. This is because bananas are high in simple sugars, which your body will burn off in no time, and will leave you feeling even hungrier than before.

Some people are addicted to morning coffee and drinking it on an empty stomach can have an impact on digestion due to its acidic content. Some also take coffee in the morning so that they can have a bright morning. The simple rule when taking coffee in the morning is to take it with additional food. Intake of coffee always will also make one to have brown tea.

Processed meat
Processed meats like sausages and meat pies have become an open road to heart diseases as they contribute directly to cardiovascular and coronary disease. This is because it has a high combination of fats and preservatives.

Butter is not bad in small amounts, but if you are eating it every single morning in large quantities, it means you are ingesting high doses of unhealthy fat. You can replace your butter with a healthier option like low-fat cream cheese.

Yes mango is good to eat because of its health benefits and sweet-sour taste but is also very high in sugar. It will increase your blood sugar levels leading to maybe diabetes and leave you hungry before lunch.

For breakfast, it is more advisable you settle for more healthy foods like bran, wheatmeal, oats, orange juice, apples, avocado and milk.

By Pupwaya Timothy Dibal 

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