Tuesday 12 December 2017

Dietary changes to make your periods better

When it’s that time of the month, a lot of ladies always have this mood swing, stomach pain and menstrual cramp which can be so frustrating. Having irregular monthly period or heavy and painful flow can even result to hospitalization for some women. Sometimes having irregular or heavy flows can be the result of what one eats or even the side effects of a medication.  A few dietary changes could help to make this time of the month stress-free.

If you suffer from heavy, painful periods, this is for you. This article has found a comforting way for you to handle and treat the pain better. There are some foods that when included in our daily diet can ease heavy or painful menstrual flows.

Here are five foods to eat around your period:
1. Ginger
Sipping on ginger tea may help to ease painful abdominal cramps. Ginger manages to reduce pain as effectively as the drugs mefenamic acid (an anti-inflammatory painkiller) and ibuprofen. To make ginger tea, peel a thumb-sized piece of root ginger, slice, and steep in hot water with a slice of lemon for 5 minutes. Or you can peel the ginger, grate it and then put it inside boiling water. Make sure that you don’t put sugar no matter how little.

2. Green leafy vegetables
Kale, spinach and broccoli are all high in the anti-cramping mineral magnesium. They also contain vitamins A, C, B6 and E, calcium and potassium- nutrients that have all been shown to help alleviate PMS symptoms.

3. Yoghurt
Is full of calcium and has been found to help ease menstrual cramps. A study also found that a diet with calcium-rich dairy products lowers the risk of developing PMS by as much as 40%. Yoghurt always contains "friendly" bacteria which supports a healthy digestive system and may help to ease persistent bloating. Don’t go for processed yoghurt which contains sugar.

4. Dark chocolate
Intense chocolate cravings are extremely common at this time of the month. Try eating dark chocolate as it's lower in sugar than milk and white chocolate, but will still satisfy your sweet cravings, and as an added bonus is a rich source of magnesium. It is also advisable that you eat in moderation.

5. Salmon, Sardines
Studies have shown that women who consume the most omega-3s have milder period pain. Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout and sardines are packed full of these wonderful anti-inflammatory fats. Aim to eat oily fish at least twice a week, and to further boost your omega-3s, flaxseeds, walnuts and omega-3 enriched eggs are all good sources.

Instead of taking some medications, which can cause menstrual problem such as irregular period or even stop it completely try and eat the foods mentioned above.  You can also browse through the internet to know what other foods that you can include into your diet.

By Pupwaya Timothy Dibal 

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