Wednesday 25 July 2018

Morning Rituals For a Beautiful Day

Positive attitudes create great days, and the best time to generate positivity is in the morning. In those precious early hours, we establish our mindset for the entire day, so it’s important to treat this critical period with attention and respect. Make time for a mindful morning by trying some of these simple rituals, which can be performed in as little as five minutes. By easing into the morning with purpose, you are able to create a clear head and an open mind, ensuring a day full of positive energy and enthusiasm.
It’s easy, just add these must-dos to your morning schedules and reap the benefits all day long;
Drink a Glass of Warm Lemon Water:
Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning is an excellent way to get your body going. The lemon will help get your digestive system ready for the coming meals, and makes the water tastier. You can add a bit of honey to it as well if you want to cut down on some of the tartness.
Wake Up Earlier: This is priority one because in order to fit in a fantastic morning you’re going to need some extra time compared to your current routine. If you’ve turned into a night owl because of the peace and quiet it affords, you’ll be equally satisfied by the same peace and quiet an early morning provides, and it’s simply a matter of shifting your personal time to the wee hours of the morning rather than late at night. The difference to your body is noticeable.
Scrape Your Tongue: Taking time to scrape your tongue is one morning routine you won’t want to give up once you start it. It helps get rid of morning breath, and also is in line with the rejuvenation process you need to do to make the transition from sleep to wakefulness each day. As a bonus you’ll be able to taste your food better without the film that’s on your tongue even after brushing your teeth.
Do a Stretching Routine:
Starting off with just some morning stretches until that becomes a habit is very important, as time goes on, you can start transitioning yourself in doing some yoga and other exercises when you organically start to feel like you could do more than just stretch. When first starting out it doesn’t matter how long you stretch, just as long as you do it. If you only have a few minutes for it, just do a few minutes. You’ll find that as you develop the habit, you’ll end up stretching for longer periods of time, and it will naturally expand on its own without the need to force yourself to do it for a set time.
Listen to Uplifting Music or Audiobook:
Starting your morning with music you find beautiful, or a book you find inspirational or motivational, is the perfect way to set yourself up for success. It can give you something to look forward to in the morning, and sets you up with the right mindset to greet the day. You can adjust your music for the type of day you want to have, whether you need something that gets you pumped for an action-packed day, or something more soothing so you can handle a stressful day. The mind is hungry for new tidbits of information it can go to work on, and you should feed it every day, the same way you feed your body. Choose your songs carefully though, as they can get stuck in your head, and if this sort of thing drives you crazy you might be better off listening to a book.
Green Smoothie Time: It’s time to nourish the body with a refreshing green smoothie. The green part of the smoothie is what’s really going to help boost your energy levels in the morning. That’s because it will likely be spinach, kale, or some other leafy green providing phytonutrients, fiber, and minerals. Set a timer for 30 minutes after you drink it and notice how much better you feel.
Meditate for a Few Minutes: Right now you should be in a really happy place, a green smoothie coursing through your digestive system, and all of the helpful things you’ve done should all be having a cumulative effect. There’s no better time to sit and clear your mind for a few minutes than now. There’s also no right way to meditate, so if you’ve tried specific methods and didn’t really like it, it’s time to develop your own personal style. Choose a position that you find comfortable, and decide if you’d like music or not. Just sitting and listening to the silence can be enough for most.
Write Out Your Top 3 for the Day:
It is important to write out the three things you really want to get done for the day, and above all always make sure they get done. Once you establish the habit of getting the most important things of the day done, you’ll be able to build up confidence and go for bigger and bigger things.

By Mercy Kukah

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