Monday 25 March 2019


Getting married and living together are two different things entirely.

Even if you're really ready for marriage and can picture the entire rest of your lives together, it's normal to wake up some days and think, "OH Lord’’ Am I really married forever and ever??"

Everyone knows marriage is a big commitment, of course, but even when getting married is a natural step in your happy relationship, years later when you're more appreciative of the decades you have ahead of yourselves, you can be floored by how extraordinary it is to commit to one person your entire life.

And you should also note that you are not just marrying your partner but his family also.

Family is very important, it is one of the best aspects of human lives, and you realize everything you do revolves around your family.

So also when you get married, your husband’s family is your family, so is yours to him, because you have become one of them, so you are not just marrying him, but embracing his whole family as yours.

The little things matter a lot in relationship. So i think the best test of whether you could live with someone else forever is to ask yourself if you could put up with his or her biggest flaws, or the worst version of this person for the rest of your life. I think that's a good exercise, since people become more themselves as they age, their desires, strengths, and flaws get sharper. If your partner is somewhat of a curmudgeon now, he or she will probably only become crankier and more stubborn as the years go by. Conversely, the best things you love about a person could hold you steady through the inevitable tough times, and I also think it's the little things you have to look for, because in the day-in/day-out of marriage, the little things add up.

Little annoyances like snoring in the night or leaving a wet towel on the bed are really easy to overlook during a relationship when the bigger things—the way your partner makes you laugh or how beautiful you feel around him or her—attract your attention more.

When we're "in love" we tend not to notice the small things that could drive you crazy months later, like hanging the toilet paper the wrong way.

On the flip side, it's also the small acts of everyday kindness, respect, and love that keep a marriage going. Romantic gestures like buying flowers or a surprise date out are great, but they don't hold a candle to mundane things like unclogging a drain or taking over child-bathing duty.

Doing chores becomes sexy in a way you would never imagine.

You both have to change to make the marriage work.The old adage that you can't change someone by marrying them still holds true. You shouldn't think you can change your partner just by marrying him/her and you probably don't want anyone to change you either. The truth is, though, you're probably both going to have to change or adapt, as a choice, to keep the love alive.


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