Thursday 28 February 2019


Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that's so good for you. It contains 46 calories per cup but is high in vitamin C, vitamin A and many healthy plant compounds. It also improves the functions and health of the heart; and its seeds are rich in phytonutrients,antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Below are ten tremendous ways this sweet fruit benefits the body. 

Watermelon hydrates the Body 
Watermelon helps in hydrating the body; it prevents dehydration, it body with the purest of water. This water is also rich many vital nutrients and electrolytes.

Boosts Athletic Performance
Watermelon boosts energy, muscle soreness and boosts athletic. Athletes are encouraged to drink watermelon juice before engaging in any intense workout as it helps to prevent heart rate and muscle soreness the next day. The rich content of arginine and Citrulline help to improve the flow blood thereby improving athletic performance, increases energy, stamina and boosts endurance.

.Boosts Food Digestion
The rich water content and fiber contained in this fruit helps boosts normal digestion and prevent digestive problems. The fiber prevents constipation; it makes the stool bulky and aids regular bowel movement.

Good for the Skin and Hair
Watermelon contains two vital vitamins that are needed for healthy skin and hair; vitamins A and C. It also contains beta-carotene and lycopene which protect the skin from sunburn and other skin problems.

Boosts Libido
This fruit can effectively boost sexual stamina; improve sexual libido, reduce frigidity and treat erectile dysfunction. This will help to boost fertility and strengthen relationships. 

Protects the Heart
The rich content of lycopene in this fruit protects the cells from oxidative damage and prevents heart disease. Watermelon treats hypertension and can even help to lower blood pressure in obese adults. It treats aortic stiffness in post-menopausal women. Improves the circulation of blood in the body and prevents the accumulation of fat.


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