Thursday 5 May 2016




Much like it is nearly impossible to remove the scar after a physically traumatic event; it is almost the same for emotional damage. You are left with scars that are more than just skin deep and it takes time and effort to mend -- not heal -- them because they will never be 100% improved. If you are a victim of emotional damage or know someone who is presently wallowing in horrible heartbreak, here are a few tips to work past the emotional damage and have a fresh start.

 1. Spend time working on yourself. Go to the gym, get your hair done, buy yourself some new sneakers, see movies with friends, go shopping, attend parties, visit friends, improve on your career, do SOMETHING that will give your mood and self-esteem a boost. Spending time focusing on bettering yourself will help you get over that pain. You can do so much for yourself in becoming a better person. You must do all you need to do to achieve that instead of spending time worrying about that problem.

2. Talk to someone. One way to heal those emotional scars is to talk to someone about them. Letting out those feelings and some of the pain by talking to someone you trust is a good way to start moving beyond your heartache. Anything you let out stays out, therefore talk to people about that thing and get counsel from them. Advisedly, talk to people who have had same experience and learn from them how they were able to manage it. This will help you a great deal.

3. Know you are not alone. When someone is emotionally damaged, it can seem like they are the only person going through that pain. The truth is that many people have problems with certain aspects of their emotions, and you are not the only one feeling the pain. That thought can help ease some anxiety.

4. Keep the past where it should be. I know it is not exactly your fault when you start getting angry with new people for past people’s wrongdoings. However, try to keep what happened in the past in the past, as this will help you forge ahead and become a better you. As difficult as this may sound, it heals deep wounds if you will truly adhere. Try not to accommodate the past in your future, as doing so will further damage you.

5. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and drug use seem to accompany emotional damage with some people. Know that soaking yourself in alcohol will not remedy the damages; instead, it will lengthen the recovery process. If you are feeling any of the above signs of emotional damage, stay away from these until you are feeling well enough to handle it.

6. Don’t play the blame game. Sometimes you will want to stick blame on someone for your pain and while it may be their fault, blaming them for so long will only prolong the damage and make it harder to heal. Accept that you played a role, and look for ways you can correct your mistakes in your next venture.

7. Realize it takes time. You will not feel better overnight. That is a fact. It will take months or even years to feel back to normal, and even then, the pain does not go away completely. However, that emotional damage is what makes you who you are and that is something you should never want to change completely. Being emotionally damaged is NOT a bad thing. It just means you have been through a little more than other people have in your life and can still come out strong.


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