Tuesday 3 May 2016



Are you struggling with dark elbows and knees which are not letting you wear skirts, shorts and sleeveless tops? If dark elbows and knees are causing you embarrassment regardless of the color of your skin, then read this to know what causes this problem and how to combat it. The skin of the knees and elbows get dark because the skin here is naturally thicker and there are no oil glands present in these areas because of which the skin in these areas is easily more prone to moisture loss and gets drier and rough. And if proper care is not taken to clean them, dirt can get trapped. Over time, dead skin cells get accumulated and darkened on these areas, which have been exposed to sun and dirt, and ruin the beauty of your otherwise beautiful and attractive legs and arms. If you have wasted a lot of money in buying products that has shown no expected result on these dark and rough spots, try these cheap and easily effective home remedies that can actually get it disappear and make you shop for those lovely sleeveless tops and shorts skirts.
Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter – These natural fats act as good moisturizers and help to make the skin soft. This help to remove the darkness caused by dry and flaky skin. Applying Cocoa butter or Shea butter on the darkened skin every night before going to bed will help beautify your knees and elbows.
Apply Baking Soda and Milk Pack – Using baking soda and milk is excellent in removing and cleaning skin darkening. One needs just to apply a spoonful of baking soda and mix milk to form a smooth paste that will help scrub the elbows and knees. Applying this in a circulation motion for at least 10 minutes in ten days will yield result.
Use Bleaching Fruits – There are many fruits which have a bleaching effect on the skin. Fruits like tomatoes, grapes and lemons have excellent bleaching properties. This helps in removing black skin, dead skin and old skin when it is used regularly
Apply Aloe Vera Gel – Aloe Vera gel helps in removing sun damage often caused due to overexposure of knees and elbows to the sun. This gel also moisturizes the skin and reduces its dryness. You can take fresh gel from Aloe Vera leaves and apply it on your knees and elbows. Leave it for an hour and you will love your fresh lighter skin.
Natural Oil – Natural oils will retain the moisture of the skin and reduce the darkness of the skin. Apply any natural oil like olive oil, sesame seed oil or coconut oil on the skin to reduce the dryness and darkening of skin.
Vinegar and Yoghurt - When used together this home remedy to reduce the dark color of the skin as they cleanse and moisturize the skin. Apply a mixture of vinegar and yoghurt on the affected areas and leave it to dry. When the mixture becomes dry rub the area in circular motion for two minutes and wash.
Get Rid of Rough Darkened Knees with Sugar - There are still a lot of people who are not aware that sugar is more than a sweetener. It can also be used to exfoliate different areas of the skin. Sugar is known to take out the dead skin cells that can be found on the skin. Place olive oil on clean container then mix in sugar. Make sure that you have enough so that the mixture will tend to look a bit grainy. Place it on the knees to get rid of the dead skin cells that might be causing the knees to become dark.
Try any of the above treatments and get rid of your dark elbows and knees by making it smoother and whither in a short time.

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