Wednesday 25 November 2020

Inspiring ways to build forgiveness in a relationship

Goodbye is not always the answer and this is true for both old and new relationships. Regardless of the mistakes and uncertainties that you are currently facing in your relationship it’s always worth it to try again as long as you know that both of you are willing to still make it work.

Yes, because there are some things that cannot easily be forgiven not only because of the hurt that they have caused but also because of how it already tainted your trust in your partner and in your relationship. If you are stuck in this cycle of constantly failing to forgive no matter how much your partner has changed this article is for you.

Here are some motivating ways you can build  forgiveness in your relationship;

-Appreciate the changes they’ve made.

In connection to the previous section, in order to  

build forgiveness in the relationship, you also have to

 do your part. Aside from giving them the chance to 

become a better person and trusting in their actions,

 you also have to appreciate the work that they put 

into these efforts.

-Make an effort to reach out: Perhaps your partner doesn’t feel like talking about the mistakes that they have done in the past that they tend to be quiet about how they truly feel. Their need to be forgiven sometimes makes them scared that they might say the wrong words again, and it might make things worse. What you can do is to assure them that your relationship is their safe place they should not stop being who they are or stop expressing their thoughts just because they’re afraid to offend their partner again, reach out to your partner and talk to them about how they feel after what happened. Make your relationship be your comfort zone and help each other heal.

-Stop reliving the pain and hurt: If you want the wound of a mistake to fully heal, you should stop touching it because what comes after healing is forgiveness, especially if it was done by someone you truly love. Stop thinking about what happened in the past and how it made you feel as long as the lessons have been learned, you should do your best to stop reliving the pain and hurt. Move on and everything will follow.

-Remind yourself why you fell in love: If all else fails, the best thing that you can do for yourself and your relationship is to remember why you are in this relationship in the first place. How did you fall in love? What are the things that you like about this person? What are the happiest memories you have together? Just remembering the happy and good things will help you find a reason to hold on and give it another try.

-Focus on new and happier memories: In connection with the previous section, you have to focus on the new and happier memories you have as a couple. Encourage each other to just be positive and ignore the negativities of the past. You are healing as a couple and regardless of whose fault it was, you both suffered their consequences. Be kind to each other and stop hurting each other. Be each other’s strength, and keep on fighting for your love no matter what.

-Pray for enlightenment and guidance: Let your faith and spiritual strength show you the way to find forgiveness in your heart. Sometimes, when you are hurting and in pain, you lose the courage to forgive someone who had caused you pain. What you can do is to pray for enlightenment and guidance, for wisdom and for healing, so that you will be able to have the strength to give your love another chance.

 BY: Stephanie E. Hemen


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