Monday, 8 June 2020
Nigerian vegetable soup is quick and easy to cook, a very versatile soup which can be used for swallow, eaten with rice, yam, plantains, even potatoes.
1) Oil
2) Red pepper
3) Tattashe
4) Onion
5) Pomo
6) Dry fish
7) Stockfish
8) Ugu
9) Spices
10) Garlic and ginger ( optional)
1) Wash pomo put in a pot with some water to just cover the pomo, season with salt and seasoning cube, boil till a fork can pass through.
2) To the cooked pomo with 2 or 3 cups of stock and dry fish, add vegetable oil or palm oil, onions,tattashe and pepper, cook for 5 minutes. You can put garlic and ginger but as optional.
3) Add seasoning cubes. Stir and taste, add salt.
4) Cook for 10 minutes until its raw taste.
5) Add ugu, stir and cover, cook for 3 minutes.
Take off the heat and serve.
By: ummu khulthum abdulkadir
Health benefits of lemon and ginger tea especially during this covid-19 season
INTRODUCTION:Do you know that Lemon and Ginger can boost your immunity? Lemon and ginger are very important for human health especially having the tea early in the morning, there are so many benefits of lemon and ginger tea especially during this era of covid-19 season, and it can be taken by
elderly people, pregnant women and also children. Lemon and ginger tea can be used for weight loss, cold and sore throat etc. It is advisable that during this covid-19 era which symptoms are as like fever and cold for person to be taken lemon and ginger to enhance his/her immunity against
the virus .

You should also note that everything should be taken in moderation not too much . Its even good you consult your health care practitioner to advise you on how to administer it because consuming too much of it can lead to some side effects . Taking lemon and ginger tea can boost your immunity, and also stops you from vomiting, and also
for ladies that are experiencing too much cramps during their menstrual cycle ginger and lemon can reduce the pain. Lemon and ginger tea or drink can also work as a skin enhancer . When administered properly it can give you beautiful skin. It fights skin infection and make it shiny and clean because of the Anita oxidant properties of both ginger and lemon.
What you need is:
1) Lemon ( sliced)
2) Ginger ( sliced)
3) Sugar or honey
Mix all the ingredients in a pot and pour water, allow it to boil for about 20 minutes, then sieve in a cup or flask and add more honey.

BY: ummu khulthum Abdulkadir
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