Friday 11 January 2019


Self love: 

Self-love can motivate you to adopt healthy habits and take care of your physical self. Love relates to happiness, whether it is on ourselves or on others. But self love is more important because it helps us to keep our own attitude, our own personal space and sometimes it also helps us to know about ourselves.


''Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others''
 Let’s be honest, if you cannot love yourself how can you embrace the love of another person? 

You are likely to feel unworthy, while longing for love and intimacy of another person. When you love yourself, life takes care of the details because everything else is minor compared to the acceptance of one’s self.

There are times when you don’t feel lovable. This is normal and we all experience those moments. But self-acceptance is the foundation to living a complete life when you show up with your whole self.

Love Yourself First;

''Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the Barriers within yourself that you have built against it''
When you strip away the stories about who you think you are, underneath it you’ll uncover your authentic self, which at its essence is pure love. 

So, make it a practice to meet with yourself in the mirror on a daily basis so you can love and accept the person reflected back to you. After all, when you love yourself first life
will undoubtedly take care of the rest.

Stephanie E. Hemen

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