Tuesday 18 April 2017

Products to avoid while pregnant

As much as some products serve good purposes, there are some that you have to avoid during pregnancy. Such products to be avoided are pesticides, perfumes and host of others, in order to help baby grow as healthfully as possible. Check out our list of products to avoid during pregnancy.
Expensive bath products
High-end bath products may contain chemicals that aggravate the skin and cause allergic reactions. Your skin will be troubled enough during pregnancy, so stick to the economical brands. You can go for handmade soaps that don’t contain chemicals.

Safe alternative: Bath products designed for babies and young children are usually gentler on the skin, and do not contain harmful chemicals.
Skin whitening
Skin whitening should be avoided at all costs during pregnancy, as it increases the risk of sun exposure, something expectant moms cannot afford. Hydroquinone can also cause cancer and hinder fetal development.
Safe alternative: There's really no alternative to skin whitening during pregnancy, and it should be put off at least until you are no longer breastfeeding.
Chemical hair removal
Hair removal products contain thioglycolic acid. Its effects on pregnant women and their babies are unknown, so healthcare providers recommend that you avoid chemical hair removal products while you are pregnant.
Safe alternative: What's wrong with the natural way? Plucking, shaving, and even waxing are all safe ways to remove unwanted hair during pregnancy.
Heavy fragrances
Your nose will be more sensitive while you are pregnant, so avoiding overly powerful scents might be a good idea. Heavy fragrances may also contain toxic phthalates, which can disturb fetal development. It can also make you to react to it through vomiting or you might have skin allergy.
Safe alternative: Healthcare provider suggest using less intense, natural perfumes and fragrances rather than the irritating, heavily chemical ones. You will still smell great, and it won't upset your nose!
Prescription acne medications
Acne is a common symptom of pregnancy, and a lot of women have to deal with pimples that will appear all over their body. But that doesn’t mean you should treat it with harsh chemicals. Accutane, and products containing tetracycline, are known to cause miscarriage, birth defects, or stunted development. In order for you to get rid of it or reduce the acne or pimples, you can use the peel of banana, or mask mint leaves or even use lemon on the affected place.
Safe alternative: Gently washing your face with an oil-free wash on a daily basis can help treat and prevent acne, even when caused by pregnancy. Refraining from picking, scratching, or excessively touching your face could also help prevent acne.
Even if you're an ink addict, it's best to avoid getting new tattoos while pregnant, as healthcare providers aren’t totally sure what effects ink might have on baby.
Safe alternative: Although getting permanent tattoos is discouraged during pregnancy, getting henna tattoos, which usually last a few weeks, is perfectly safe. They are completely safe to get while pregnant, so long as the ink is not black.
Hair care
Pregnant women should avoid getting too involved in their hair care, due to the possible risk posed by chemicals in salon products. If abstaining from hair care is not an option, make sure you're using non-toxic substances.
Safe alternative: It's super important to get your hair done in a well-ventilated space and wash the chemicals off of your hair as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of sinking into your bloodstream.
Bug spray
Some bug sprays contain the chemical (DEET), and its effects can lead to many pregnancy complications. Bug spray can be used while pregnant, but follow the directions to a tee, and stop applying the spray if it irritates any part of your body.
Safe alternative: Non-chemical insect repellents like special lights and candles can help ward off annoying bugs without the harmful chemicals found in bug spray. Insect repellant that doesn't involve aerosols is probably your best bet.
Lead products
Lead products can be extremely poisonous, and should be avoided while you’re pregnant. Stunted fetal development and premature birth are just two of many possible effects of lead poisoning during pregnancy.
Safe alternative: It's definitely a good idea to avoid everything made from lead while pregnant. Look for safer, less poisonous metal products.
Hair dyes
Although hair dyes can frequently contain some unsavory chemicals, the amount of pollutant actually absorbed into the body is extremely low, so hair dying during pregnancy is usually perfectly safe.
Safe alternative: Moms-to-be might want to opt for vegetable dyes, wear gloves, and maintain proper ventilation when coloring their hair, to keep your hair vibrant, safely.
Electric blankets
In most cases, electric blankets are safe to use during pregnancy, but in rare cases, if they're set high enough to raise body temperature, they have been linked to serious health concerns for developing fetuses.
Safe alternative: When using an electric blanket while pregnant, it might be a good idea to heat the blanket up before getting in bed, and unplugging it once in bed so it will cool down throughout the night and prevent you from overheating.
Pesticides contain various chemicals that damage the nervous system, so it is very important to avoid exposure to these substances when you are pregnant, as the chemicals could irreparably damage your baby's developing neural tube.
Safe alternative: A combination of hot water, hydrogen peroxide, and vinegar is an effective, pregnancy-safe way to keep your garden bug-free.
Industrial cleaning products
Many industrial cleaning products contain certain chemicals whose effects on pregnant women are not well known enough to approve their use.
Safe alternative: There are lots of safe alternatives, like natural cleaning products, that are less likely to cause harmful side effects.
Overly tight clothing
Pregnant women should not wear clothing that is too tight, as these items could restrict blood flow, increase swelling, and possibly reduce nutrient distribution to your baby. It is better you get a free gown that is well sewn by your tailor, or even get a readymade maternity gown that you will be free inside.
Safe alternative: Wearing loose clothing should help keep you comfortable, and Baby safe.
Herbal supplements
Unless explicitly directed by your healthcare provider, you should avoid herbal supplements during pregnancy.
Safe alternative: Your prenatal vitamin has all of the vitamins you and Baby need.

By: Pupwaya Timothy Dibal 

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