Wednesday 11 February 2015

Simple ways to keep your ears clean from clogged wax

The ears can become clogged when too much earwax accumulates inside them. Though it is an important part of our body’s natural defence system for keeping dirt, bacteria and other  unwanted thing out of the ears, too much earwax can decrease your hear ability. First and foremost, before you think of having a home treatment therapy, be sure you don’t have an ear infection or a perforated eardrum, because when you clean your ear under these circumstances, it can be extremely dangerous for you. So, do not use this method if you even suspect a problem. But instead of using this method, it is advisable to see the doctor immediately. Symptoms of an ear infection include: fever, vomiting, green or yellow drainage from the ear and persistent and severe ear pain. 

Here are Facts on Earwax
You might wonder about earwax and whether it needs to be cleaned out. Actually, even though earwax seems sticky, it serves a purpose. Your ear canal makes earwax to protect the ear. After it is produced, it slowly makes its way to the opening of the ear. Then it either falls out or is removed when you wash. If you want, you can clean the opening of your ear gently with a washcloth. Though a lot of people feel comfortable to use the cotton swab, it is safer and better to clean the ear with a washcloth. Note that you can hurt your ear by poking around in there. It's not even a good idea to use a cotton swab. This can push wax deeper in your ear, where it can get stuck. Irritating the ear canal with a cotton swab can even lead to an ear canal infection. And definitely don't put anything sharp object in your ear because it can cause bleeding or serious damage. If you think you have dirt or too much earwax in your ear, ask someone to check it out for you and help you clean it out. When you have excess earwax accumulated in you ear, it tends to cause a blockage on the affected ear making hearing difficult, and cotton swab cleans your ear less than you think. 
You can make a wax-softening solution by yourself. Here are the simple steps: 
You can purchase a peroxide cleaning solution at a local pharmacy near you, or you can make your own. You can combine warm water with one of the following; a teaspoon or two of olive oil, baby oil or mineral oil, a teaspoon or two of glycerine, or a teaspoon or two of hydrogen peroxide solution. 

Surprisingly, the best way to clean ears is not to.
You can leave the ear canal alone and the wax will naturally move out by itself. But if you are concerned, see an otolaryngologist (head and neck surgeon). The surgeon will use a microscope and microsurgical instruments to comfortably remove the wax from your ears.
For swimmers, wearing wax earplugs and waterproof foam ear bands can keep water and other particles out of the ear. More severe cases should be attended to by a doctor (an otolaryngologist) for antibiotic ear drops.
There are also alternative ways to maintain ear health; over-the-counter wax dissolving drops can be used.  But it is better to speak to a doctor before actually buying them; as the saying goes, self-medication is dangerous. If you have a hole in your eardrum and you put drops in to dissolve wax, you could cause an infection. Some people have very narrow ear canals and using the drops could actually make things worse.

Never stick hair pins or cotton swabs into the ear as this increases risk of infection and pushes wax deeper into the ear, forming a complete blockage and causing severe infection.

Rifkatu Yusuf. 

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