Thursday 18 February 2016




Black is beautiful, they say, and there is no doubt that we Africans are black and that says it all. You make your look more attractive when you use the right eye shade to open up the eyes. It is important that you don’t over apply your eye shadow, and don’t forget the power of blending.  Do not forget to line your eye with a black or brown liner (which ever you choose). Apply several coats of your mascara on your eye lash for more glimpse and glamour.
With these simple steps you can improve it to a great extent:
Primer: Most people don’t know about this, while some do but neglect its importance. Before putting your eye shadow, you can start by applying primer from the lower lash line to your upper lash line, depending on your eye shape.  Soften the edge to erase any shape line. The work of primer is to hold the eye shadow and make it last long.
  Highlight: This is important especially when doing formal make up. It opens up the eyes; you can choose colors from silver, gold, beige or light copper, depending on your taste and choice.
Shadows: The idea here is to choose colors that match your clothing for the occasion, to appear stunning and gorgeous.

Different types of shadows
Powder Eye shadow: It gives you a matte effect and is best in casual days, powder eye shadow is most widely used.
Shimmer Eye Shadow: Have you seen someone wearing shinning shades? (Think bride). Those are shimmer eye 
shadows on her eye. They are used for formal occasions, like weddings, engagements, evening parties or a night out.
Creamy Eye Shadow is more dramatic and beautiful; easy to apply and is ideal for a girlish and modern look. Have you seen a lady on Corporate Adverts? That’s powder or Creamy Eye Shadows.
NOTE: Consider your eye shape when applying any shade.
Keep a date next edition when we will be discussing various eye shapes for different face types, and the appropriate shades for the different types.

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