Maintaining Personal Hygiene during Menstrual Period
Most women, if not all women, never enjoy menstrual period because of the associated pains, stomach cramps, lack of energyand general discomfort. In some cultures and in some centuries past, menstruating womenweresecluded for the period.This treatment wasprobably because women did not have the sanitary measures available today. They would use old cloths as napkins and often had to wash and reuse them; apart from that they did not have access to running water and proper sensitization like we have today. General ignorance about a woman’s body and method of functioning led to a large number of myths, like not going near a holy place and not being allowed into the kitchen.But times have changed and so have we; so it is important to maintain optimum personal hygiene during menstrual period.Improper personal hygiene during menstrual period will make you smell; not just smelling but emit offensive odour that you would be ashamed of and which will make you avoid going near people for any kind of activities (ladies you know what I mean).
As you get to puberty and start menstruating, you have to carefully choose what kind of sanitary towel to use. Most ladies will go for either sanitary pads or tampons, but if you’re just starting, it is better you make use of sanitary pads.Sanitary pad is easier to maintain than tampon, but the only discomfort with pad is that it gets bulky and noticeable when you have heavy flow. You’ll need to avoid fitting clothes during this period and ensure you use proper sanitary pad size. Here are some tips to help you stay clean and hygienic during your periods.
Change regularly:
It is important to change your sanitary pad or tampon regularly. The standard time for a sanitary pad is once every six hours, while for a tampon it’s once every two hours. While some women might have a heavy flow and would need to change more often, others will need to change less frequently. Sanitary napkins are made of cotton wool and gel. When you bleed into one, most of the blood gets soaked in, but at a certain point the pad gets saturated and may leak. Another consideration is that menstrual blood,once it has left the body, gets contaminated with the body’s natural organisms. When these organisms remain in a warm and moist place for a long time they tend to multiply and can lead to conditions like urinary tract infection, vaginal infections and skin rashes. Therefore, changing is essential.In the case of tampons, it is very important because, if left inserted into the vagina for long periods of time it can cause a condition called toxic shock syndrome. This is a condition where bacteria infiltrate the body leading to severe infectionknown with severe vomiting, high fever and diarrheathat can send the body into shock.

Wash Your Body Regularly
Ensure you take your bath daily and as many times you want it in a day, not just for the cleanliness only, but also to avoid offensive odor from the menstrual flow.It is sometimes preferable to bathe with warm water which will also help you to prevent menstrual cramps. And before and after changing the pad, always wash your hand to prevent bacterial infection in your private part. There’s not much need to clean the inside of your vagina when menstruating, because, it can disturb the normal body flora and encourage infection. There are many moisturizing products you can use to make you look and feel fresh with good scent after taking your bath.
Discard Your Used Sanitary Product Properly
Whether you are using a sanitary napkin or tampon, it is important to know how to dispose it correctly. Properly wrap it so that it does not open and discard it in a dustbin meant for used sanitary products.It is essential to discard your used napkins or tampons properly because they are capable of spreading infections, will smell very foul and is just disgusting for the person using the washroom after you. Do not throw it without a wrapping or bag, do not leave it on the window sill or on the floor of the toilet, and never flush it down the toilet. Also remember to wash your hands well after you change your sanitary pad.
Treat Pad Rash with Care
A pad rash is something that you might experience during a period of heavy flow.It can be extremely uncomfortable and painful;in some cases they may get infected and lead to a more severe condition. Moreover, constant pad rashes tend to stain the area causing it to darken. To prevent this from occurring, try to stay dry during your periods. If you do have a rash, change your pads regularly and stay dry. Apply an antiseptic ointment after a bath and before bed, this will heal the rash and prevent further chaffing. If it gets worse, do visit your doctor who will be able to prescribe you a medicated powder that can keep the area dry.
Use Only One Method of Sanitation during Your Periods
Some women who have a heavy flow during their periods tend to use two sanitary pads and a tampon,or sanitary pad along with a piece of cloth. This might seem like a good idea, but it actually is not.Changing regularly is a better option.Using two pads, or a tampon and a sanitary pad is bad because the two pads absorb the blood and you don’t feel the need for regular changes. This can lead to rashes, infections and in the case of tampons, even toxin shocks.
Be Ready with On-the-go Stuff during Your Periods
When you have your periods it is important to be ready. It is important to have extra sanitary pads or tampons properly stored in a paper bag, a soft towel, some paper tissues, hand sanitizer, a healthy snack, bottle of drinking water, a tube of antiseptic medication (if you are using one for your rashes).Your hand sanitizer is a very important factor here. You will need it to clean your hands and you can use it to clean the flush knob and tap faucet as well. The snack is a backup in case you feel weak or run down during the day, and the bottle of water is to help you stay hydrated throughout the day.
It is important to understand that periods are a sign of fertility and good health. Shunning it and the woman who is having it will only lead to depression and a sense of self hate in the girl.
By: Okoye Chizzy