Effective Ways to Keep Your Lips Smooth This Season

Use lip balm as a
base for your lipstick. The lip balm will create a protective moisture seal
beneath your makeup, and it makes it easier to apply.
Use a moisturizing lipstick in the daytime, and then switch to lip balm at night: You will wake up in the morning with smooth, luscious lips. Apply a generous amount of Vaseline onto your lips so that they are heavily coated. Though it may look a little gross, it sure does work like a dream.
Take plenty of water.
Keeping yourself hydrated is a great way to keep your lips moist, drink at
least eight cups of water per day. The
issue of taking enough water can never be over emphasized. Water helps to keep
your skin clear, to say the last of all the benefits it will have on the rest
of your skin. Avoid thick or dark coloured
lipsticks. A thinly applied, semi-transparent lip stain will show off the
texture of your lips, which will make them appear smoother.
Add moisture before
sleep. Apply a little bit of baby oil on your lips. Put it on before you go
to bed. Put Chap Stick on at night. Be aware that this isn't for every person;
it can actually make lips drier for some users.
Exfoliating the lips
When you are exfoliating your
lip, first of all, dip a plain toothbrush in petroleum jelly or Vaseline, and
then use it to brush off all the dead skin on your lips. Alternatively, you can
mix a tablespoonful of honey with enough sugar until you get a body scrub-like
texture, then scrub it across your lips with a toothbrush. Exfoliating will
leave them smoother and make them look healthier at the end of the day. You can
also use warm water with a toothbrush and gently get rid of the dry skin. A mixture of sugar and Vaseline can also do
the job perfectly for your lips. It will get the dead skin off in no time.
Keep your lips safe from environmental harm
You should avoid eating salty
foods that leave a build-up on your lips. Salt draws moisture out of things,
which is why people use it to dry and preserve foods such as meat. Eating salty
foods, for example, will cause your lips to dry out.
Avoiding the bad habits
Licking of lips is a bad habit,
so avoid licking your lips. Saliva dries out your lips, especially since
licking your lips is a quick way to remove the lip balm.
Don’t bite your lips. This habit
will not only scrape away the protective seal formed by your lip balm, but can
also cause trauma to your delicate skin. So don’t bite your lips.
Always breathe through your nose.
Breathing through the mouth will dry out your lips just like dry and cold
If your lips do get chapped,
don’t pick them. It disrupts the healing process, makes them look blotchy, and
can cause bleeding. So to avoid any dry, flaking lips that might look
unattractive, follow these few steps and get those smooth and luscious lips of
your dreams in this season.
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