Wednesday 28 April 2021



A love triangle also called a romantic love triangle or a romance relationship is usually a romantic relationship involving three or more people.

While it can refer to two people independently, romantically linked with a third, it usually implies that each of the three people has some kind of relationship with the other two. 

Although the romantic love triangle is formally identical to the friendship trade, as many have noted their actual implications are quite different. Romantic love as typically viewed as an exclusive relationship, whereas friendship is not. Statistics suggest that, in both western  and African society, willingly or not, most adults have been involved in a love triangle.

You might want to examine your place.

In the course of my research I discovered that there are two primary forms of love triangle, the rivalries and the split object.

In the rivalry, you are one of the two people competing for the exclusive love of the third person. In the split object, you are the person whose affection is divided between two lovers.

 Split objects relationships can also be imaginary. This occurs when someone imagines that they are in love with a romantic partner they have never met, or idealizes a relationship from their past.

  You may not have initially chosen your role in the rivalries love triangle. You may instead consider yourself a victim of another person’s adultery. While this may be initially true, if you’ve decided to try to stay within the relationship you are actively choosing a role. It may help you to be honest about this.

Discussing what happened, while talking about or hearing about a love triangle is difficult, it is important to be open and honest. Do all three people know about the triangle­­­…while being honest about a love triangle may be difficult, it is ultimately recommended by most experts. Lack of honesty within a relationship can be corrosive and damaging to everyone in the triangle, including yourself.


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