it comes to alcohol, how much is too much? Find out what the experts recommend
and how to recognize the signs that you're drinking too much. A large number of studies have
shown that moderate alcohol intake can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women. Moderate drinking means
one drink per day for women and one to two for men, says Donald Novey, MD, an
integrative medicine physician with the Advocate Medical Group in Park Ridge,
Ill. “The difference in amounts is because of how men and women metabolize
alcohol,” Dr. Novey explains. “When you say one drink, the size of that drink
matters,” Novey adds. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture one drink
is equal to:
1. 12 ounces of beer or
2. 5 ounces of wine or
3. 1½ ounces of spirits (hard liquor such as gin or whiskey, 80-proof)
The Dangers of Drinking Too Much

Unfortunately, some people can’t
stop at just one or two drinks. Too much alcohol can result in serious health
consequences. Heavy alcohol intake can damage the liver, causing cirrhosis, a
fatal disease. Excessive drinking also can raise blood pressure and damage the heart, and is linked to many
different cancers, including mouth,
esophagus, breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. The health risks are even
greater for those who not only drink but smoke as well.
consequences of excessive drinking can be serious not only for the alcoholic, but also for their friends,
family, and even innocent bystanders. According to the National Institute of
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 16,000 people die each year in
automobile accidents that involve drunken drivers. Other data indicates that one
in three violent crimes involves the use of alcohol and as many as three out of
four violent incidents against a spouse involve alcohol. “Alcohol is a
depressant. It makes people sad over time, not happy,” Novey says. When depressed, people can do some rather
unfortunate things to themselves and their loved ones.
Signs of Alcohol Abuse
How can you tell if you or
someone you know might have a drinking problem? Physicians often use the CAGE
test, which involves four simple questions, Novey says:
1. Cutting down. Have you ever felt you should
cut down on your drinking?
2. Annoyance by criticism. Have people annoyed you by
criticizing your drinking?
3. Guilty feeling. Have you ever felt guilty about
drinking alcohol?
4. Eye-openers. Have you ever had a drink first
thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (an
“eye-opener”)? If the answer to just one of these questions is yes, a drinking
problem is likely and professional help is needed, Novey says.
1. You find you can’t stop drinking once you start.
2. You’re having problems at work or at school.
3. Other people notice your drinking and comment on it.
4. You can’t remember what you did when you were drinking alcohol.
Moderation Rules
Consuming no more than one drink a day for women and no more
than two drinks for men is safe and perhaps even heart healthy. On the other
hand, excessive drinking can have serious consequences. If you think you may
have a drinking problem or suspect that someone you love does, seek
professional help. Contact your family physician or a support group for
substance abuse before irreparable damage is done.
There are just health risks of alcohol! I hate it a lot because it has taken a lot of precious lives. We have to aware the addicts that how long does alcohol stay in your blood then they will try to avoid it.