Have you ever wondered if that nice guy in your neighborhood is interested in you? Do you know the various flirting signs that a guy gives away while talking with a girl he likes? Although there are numerous obvious body language signs by which you can tell whether or not a guy is interested in you, there are a few proven ways that can tell you obviously, if he wants to be close to you. While it’s difficult to read body language at times, it’s possible, if you know where to start. Always remember that all men are not the same. Different men express their interest in different ways. Some men might express their interest in a straightforward manner, while others may like to go around the corner, especially if they are the taciturn type. But if your new man is expressing any of the signs listed below, then chances are that he is definitely interested in you.

He talks through body language: To know if a guy likes you,
analyze his body language. If a guy likes you, he will show it in the way he
presents himself around you. He will rarely turn his back towards to when you
are talking. He will look at you often; eye contact may either make him look
away quickly if he is shy, or hold your gaze if he is not shy.
Smiles at you often : A lovely smile is actually a good and one of the first signs when it comes to somebody being interested in you, it’s one of the surest signs that he is into you. If you notice that he always smiles at you, there’s a good chance he likes you and wants to approach you. Though some guys might be shy, so why not show him your confidence and courage by approaching him first? That is, of course, if you like him. After all, there is nothing to be ashamed of if you approach a man first. Just smile back, initiate a conversation with him and don’t try to play hard to get. (Although majority of people do not recognize that in this part of the world). Playing hard to get is a great boost, but often it’s a big turn off for most guys.
Blush: As a girl, it could be difficult to flirt with guys, particularly the ones that are
shy; but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid such type of man. If you notice that
a guy blushes around you, this is a clear sign that he is trying to flirt with
you. However, not only do shy guys blush, any guy can actually blush when he
sees a pretty young lady. Blushing is a bodily function that we can’t control,
and if a guy blushes around you, this is a sign that he certainly likes you.

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