Beef Kebab is the mixture of ground beef or lamb, onion, garlic, ginger, habanero, bread crumps, cinnamon, pepper, and seasoning .This recipe includes the traditional quantities of these spices and herbs, but you may adjust to your taste.
Seasoned Beef Kebab makes a superb grilled Kebab. The meat mixture is formed onto a skewer like a skinny meatloaf and grilled. The Beef Kebabs are delicious with a fresh salad and a side of couscous, as well as served on bread with tomato and roasted pepper salad. It is also the foundation of a number of other Moroccan dishes.

· 1 pound of ground beef
· 1 medium onion
· 1 teaspoon of salt
· 1 table spoon of pepper - it depends on how pepperish you want your Kebab to be
· 5 pieces of crushed garlic
· 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
· Seasoning
· Finely chopped habanero
· ¼ cup of freshly chopped parsley leave
· ½ cup of bread crumps

1. Mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, and allow it to rest for 1 hour or longer, to allow the ingredients to blend into the meat. The beef is then ready to shape and cook.
2. To make Kebabs, take small amounts of beef and shape them into cylinders or sausage shapes. Skewer the meat, squeezing it to mold it.
3. Grill over hot coals, for approximately 5 minutes each side. It may take less or more time, depending on how hot the coals are, and how thick you shaped the beef kebab. Watch the Kebabs carefully, so you don't dry out the meat.
4. Serve immediately, and enjoy your spicy Beef Kebab.

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