It is famous for its luscious taste and sunlit color of the tropics and can be eaten by itself, incorporated into a meal or consumed in a smoothie or milkshake. Below are some unbelievable health benefits of papaya or pawpaw.

Papayas can be great revitalizing agents, which is why they are used in many cosmetics and are even used in homemade face masks by many women. The papain kills dead cells and purifies the skin. The beneficial properties and the healing enzymes present in papaya help treat sunburn and irritated skin. Lycopene present in papayas reduces wrinkle formation in post-menopausal women.
A paste of fresh papaya roots can be rubbed onto the teeth and gums as a home remedy for toothache relief. The bark of the tree, primarily the inner bark, is also an excellent remedy for tooth problems.
Papaya juice can be of great help for women with irregular menses. Consumption of green, unripe papayas can normalize the irregularity in one’s periodic cycle. Papayas are considered as a “hot food”, meaning that they produce heat in the body. This excessive production of heat in the body is thought to stimulate the estrogen hormone, inducing periods in the females. Hence, papayas can be beneficial in handling difficult menses.
The latex obtained from papayas is used to treat the areas on the skin affected by acne. The fleshy side of the papaya skin can be used as a mask to cure acne. A diet which includes papayas will help cure the condition internally, making the skin clear. Got a burn? Use papaya.
When the latex from the fruit is applied to a burnt area, it helps in reducing the marks caused due to the burn, making it effective in helping healing treating sores, wounds, and ulcers.
Papayas have been known to be effective against rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties discussed above, one of the enzymes found in papayas, called chymopapain, has a significant effect on controlling rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
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