Thursday 9 May 2019


A dysfunctional relationship is a relationship that is unfavorable to both parties involved. The basis for a healthy relationship is admiration and respect. Toxic relationships can be caused by two opposite personality types. The toxicity is caused by the incompatibility of the persons involved. The toxicity surfaces when there is the inability to establish healthy boundaries, conversation, and communication. People who are toxic are rarely aware of their own toxicity. They are too self absorbed and preoccupied with their own emotions, interests, needs, and goals to be aware of the needs, goals, interests, and emotions of others.
Toxic relationships lack emotional support and they are unfavorable to the individuals involved. They are imbalanced without ethical and moral principles.


1. Increase in blood pressure as it lowers your immune system.
2. Devaluation; losing your self worthiness.
3. Doubting second guessing your thoughts and behaviour.
4. Important people in your life suffer as a result of alienating the people who love you most in life.
5. Resorting to unhealthy habits such as drinking smoking or doing drugs to help one cope with stress.

The harmful effect of a toxic relationship is that it poisons you emotionally and psychologically; thereby disengaging one from his/her normal activities. This can lead to depression, which is hazardous to one’s health, causing self harm as well as to others.
The negative effects are endless; so stay healthy and avoid toxic relationships.


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