Wednesday 4 November 2015


Neem is a natural herb that helps in curing many types of skin problems. You can use it to treat pimples and dandruff. Neem has antibacterial properties and it helps in curing skin infections while enhancing beauty. It is a good beauty product that relieves all kinds of skin irritation. Taking bath with boiled neem water helps in curing skin disease. Application of boiled neem leaf paste is an effective remedy for acne.

Neem is available throughout the year and has benefits that only a few natural products can provide. Neem has antiparasitic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that not only benefit your health but also can help you get rid of common beauty problems.
Here are some ways in which you can use this miraculous herb in your daily beauty regime to get that glowing skin you have always wanted:  

To Clear Acne and Dark Pigmentation: Boil a concoction of about 20 neem leaves in half a litre of water till the leaves are soft and discoloured, and the water turns green. Strain and store in a bottle. Use this liquid as a skin toner by just dipping a cotton-ball into it and wiping your face with it every night. Regular usage will help in clearing acne, scars, pigmentation and blackheads.
As Skin Toner: Make a paste of neem leaves and turmeric and use it twice a week. Regular usage gives you clear and flawless skin. You can add some grated cumber to the mixture as well. Treat Pimples: Use neem with tulsi to effectively treat pimples. Grind together a few neem leaves with a handful of tulsi leaves, or you can use the powder form, if they are available. Mix with rose water to form a paste and apply it to naturally treat pimples.
Control Excess Oils: For oily skin beauties that are looking for some sebum control, you can make a paste by mixing neem powder with lemon juice and a little bit of yogurt. This will not only control the excess oil but also prevent acne and infections which are common problems associated with this skin type.  

Treat Skin Dryness: Not many people know about moisturizing properties of neem but nonetheless, neem helps in getting rid of dryness of skin without making it oily, thus giving a very balanced effect. Mix neem powder with some water and few drops of grape seed oil and apply it to your face. 

Ruth Yakubu

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