effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is the subject of recent
interest and study, as a result of the enormous increase in mobile phone usage
throughout the world
scientific studies have investigated possible health hazards of Mobile Phone Radiation.
A recent assessment was published in 2007 by the European Commission Scientific
Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risk (SCENIHR). The committee
concluded that the three lines of evidence, via: Animal, in-vitro, and
epidemiological studies, indicate that “exposure to RS fields is unlikely to
lead to an increase in cancer in humans”. According to this committee, parts of
radio waves emitted by a mobile telephone handset are absorbed by the human
head. The radio waves emitted by a GSM handset can have a peak power of 2
watts, while other digital mobile technology, such as CDMA 2000 and D-AMPS, use
lower output power, typically below 1 watt. Maximum power output from a mobile
phone is regulated by the mobile phone standard and by the regulatory agencies
in each country. The rate at which radiation is absorbed by the human body is
measured by the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and its maximum levels for
modern handsets have been set by governmental regulating agencies in many
However, the cornea of the eye does
not have this temperature regulation mechanism and exposure of 2-3 hours
duration has been reported to produce cataracts in rabbits’ eyes at SAR values
from 100-140 W/KG. This produced ventricular temperatures of 410c.
Premature cataracts have not been
linked with cell phone use, possibly because of the tower power output of
mobile phones.
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