Pain and its remedy
lady once told her story about growing up; she said her menstrual period came
with so much pains and cramps that sometimes she would end up not going to school
for the period that it lasted. Her mum became so worried that she sought for
any prescription that would relieve the pains. One day she came back with one
called Baragen Tablet and Boscopan, insisting that she should take it. The rest
was history because it worsened the situation and it was the most painful menstruation
she ever had. Her mum got so scared and trashed the rest of the drugs. But the
lady found out one secret, each month she takes enough fruits and veggies, her
period always comes less painful.
is part of life for all females from puberty till menopause. However,
menstruation comes with pains for most women. This pain is caused by
constriction of blood vessels in the uterus by a chemical known as
prostaglandins. This causes painful muscle contractions known as menstrual
cramp. This pain starts a day or 2 before menstrual flow and may persist until
the second day of flow. However, menstrual pain reduces with age or after
childbirth. Lots of women are not able to function socially or professionally
during their menstruation as a result of menstrual pains. So many resort to
drugs to reduce the pain, while others just wait for the pain to go away.
not many women know that nutrition and the right food can eliminate or reduce menstrual
pains. The hormonal changes that occur during your period make the body retain
water and slow down digestion which adds to the ill feeling associated with
your period. Here are some of the foods that will assist you in reducing the
menstrual cramps or eradicating pains caused by your period.

is a major source of Bromelain which is an enzyme that helps relax muscles and
relieves pain caused by menstrual cramps. You can charge your anti-cramp diet
by regularly eating pineapple. Eat more of the stem as there is more Bromelain
there than any other part. Though the stem is not as tasty as the flesh but it
is edible.
our part of the country we complain that foreigners have an awful scent because
they consume a lot of ginger. But research has shown that it is very medicinal
when you consume it raw. In some cultures, especially in China, ginger is used
to reduce menstrual pains. Also ginger may reduce other symptoms like common
cold, flu and headache, at times associated with menstrual pains.
get it twisted; this is the spinach you all know. It can serve as your
vegetable in any of your meals. Spinach contains large quantities of magnesium,
vitamins B6 and Vitamin E. These nutrients and vitamins are very good for
fighting menstrual cramps.
or hot but not cold, will increase the flow of blood and help reduce menstrual pains.
The water retention caused by your period can be avoided ironically, by
drinking more water. It also boosts hydration.
people who normally lose their appetite during this period, you can start your
day with just oatmeal which is a source of magnesium and is needed during your
menstrual period.
Milk, yogurt
and Beans
I ever forget to mention these earlier? These are good sources of calcium and
can help reduce the pain from cramps and fluid retention, as well as assisting
in relieving other types of pain that women suffer during menstrual period.
is also good, it releases pain killing hormones known as endorphins that assist
to reduce menstrual pains and lift your mood. Do exercises, at least 20-30
minutes, 5 times a day.
By: Okoye Chizzy
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