Friday 28 November 2014



Many people only take water when they eat or when they are thirsty and this can lead to mild dehydration, which can in turn, cause damage to your physical and mental well-being.Most of us do not realize the harm we do to our body when we do not drink enough water. The human body tends to be dehydrated when we don’t consume enough liquids to supply our bodies with the hydration it needs to function at its best.Dehydration stresses our organs and can interfere with bodily functions, leading in some cases to illness, irritability, fatigue, difficulty focusing and more. Hot weather and physical activity drain our body’s water, making drinking water essential in warm climates, especially during Harmattan months, before, during and after exercise.

Below are some simple signs to lookout for that could indicate you’re dehydrated:

· You feel thirsty often.

· Your skin and mouth are dry.

· Constant headache(that does not mean that every headache is caused by dehydration).

· You feel sluggish and foggy brained.

· You’re constipated.

· You constantly crave snacks and sugar.

· In extreme cases, you might experience confusion, fainting, weakness, decreased urination and 

· In severe cases, seizures. 

These symptoms require immediate medical attention.

Good hydration on a regular basis will keep you physically and mentally at your best, whereas, severe dehydration which is a medical emergency, can cause:

· Extreme thirst

· Extreme sleepiness in infants and children; irritability and confusion in adults

· Very dry mouth, skin and mucous membranes

· Any urine that is produced will be darker than normal

· Hollow eyes

· Shriveled and dry skin that doesn’t “bounce back” when pinched into a fold

· Low blood pressure

· Rapid heartbeat

· Rapid breathing

· Dry eyes even when crying

· Fever

· In the most serious cases it can lead to unconsciousness

Treat children and older adults with greater caution. 

Of course all of the above can be caused by a variety of things; the older we get, the more prone we are to dehydration with serious consequences.Therefore, let us be mindful and take water as often as possible. Experts recommend six to eight glasses of water on a daily bases. Just keep a bottle of water nearby and sip as often as you can. Do not wait until you are thirsty or hungry before you drink water!

By: Okoye Chizzy

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